Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Roses are red, Violets are blue..



Violets are in bloom everywhere in my daughter’s yard. As I was watching my grandsons crush a few of the delicate blooms beneath their feet, I thought of the Victorian women collecting these flowers to turn into potpourri.  When I was antiquing several years ago I came across a 'violet' bowl with a beautifully hand-painted bird on it. The bowl, made in 1891, is as delicate as the flower and rimmed with gold. The women would put freshly picked violets in the bowl, leaving them to dry. Perhaps next time I’m visiting my daughter I’ll pick a few.  

Grammy M 


  1. Hi: I am your first follower and look forward to getting to know you. You have a lovely blog with beautiful things. Blessings, Martha

  2. Martha, Welcome! We are so glad that you are our first follower. We enjoy following your wonderful blog and look forward to getting to know you, too.
    Grammy M and Paula
